Winstrol Stanozolol Steroid 101: The Bodybuilder’s Guide

Winstrol Stanozolol Steroid 101: The Bodybuilder’s Guide

• Steer clear of sellers using aggressive marketing tactics or making unsubstantiated claims about Winstrol. Compared to its closest competitor, Anavar, Winstrol is a cheaper steroid to buy (Anavar is one of the most expensive AAS we can use). Taking a liver support supplement is recommended, with NAC and milk thistle being two good options. Winstrol is, of course, still a suppressive compound, and due to the lack of conversion to estrogen, men can see signs of low testosterone development without a TRT base throughout the cycle. If you’ve used Testosterone enanthate or cypionate, wait two weeks before starting PCT. I mention this specifically because one of the stack suggestions I often come upon is a Winstrol/Anavar stack.

  • On the positive side, this is a non-aromatizing steroid so you won’t have the worries of water retention and gyno.
  • Unlike any other steroid that comes in oral and injection form, both have the exact same chemical structure in Winstrol.
  • For whatever the purpose we will find this particular steroid commonly comes in both an oral tablet and injectable form and in any case either form will work equally as well.
  • Are you striving to surpass plateaus and elevate your performance to unprecedented heights?

Administration and Dosage while Using Liquid Winstrol

Females will typically use up to 10mg daily of oral Winstrol, but 5mg will provide excellent results with reduced risk of virilization. And it’s at 5mg where first-time female users of Winny should start before considering raising the dose in future cycles. Winstrol is unique among the steroids that exist in both oral and injectable forms in that Stanozolol is C17a alkylated in both formats. Both forms of Winny (oral and injectable) contain a methyl group attachment at the 17th carbon, making them C17-aa steroids that can resist liver metabolism. Like all DHT-derived steroids and DHT itself, Winstrol can’t bind to the aromatase enzyme, which means it can not convert to estrogen like testosterone-based steroids do. Winstrol is also used in veterinary medicine to increase appetite and red blood cell production and help with weight gain.

Winstrol V, 100mg

This means they are both equally toxic to the liver, with the injectable form only very slightly less hepaptoxic. Winstrol has a high anabolic rating and a low androgenic rating – 320 and 20 respectively. This gives us the impression that Stanozolol must be more than three times as powerful in anabolic strength than testosterone, and therefore a superpower at delivering muscle gains. In a therapeutic setting, standard male oral Winstrol doses normally fall in the 2mg range around three times per day.

Winstrol Cycle Effects

From anabolic steroids to SARMs to peptides and ancillary drugs, I’ve done it at some point in my life, and I can relate. Winstrol and all other anabolic steroids are listed as Schedule III controlled substances in the United States. The US has some of the strictest laws around AAS in the world, where it’s not legal to possess Winstrol even for personal use.

Winstrol is generally easy to find and also legal to purchase in a bunch of other countries, including India, Greece, Thailand, and Egypt. It’s harsher than some of the other popular cutting steroids, and most users will battle with one type of side effect or another. There’s a lot more to know about doing PCT after using anabolic steroids, so visit my main PCT guide here. Many of us have now moved towards using Enclomiphene as a main PCT SERM, but Clomid and Nolvadex certainly still have their place. Enclomiphene is more effective at restoring testosterone, and most users will find fewer side effects with Enclomiphene (a newer SERM compared to the other two). Dosing Enclo is typically done at 25mg for three weeks, dropped to 12.5mg for one week.

Despite its appealing benefits, in the end this is still a steroid and you simply can’t ignore the fact that Winstrol comes with some pretty serious risks to your health. Anyone who has any existing cholesterol issues should not be touching Winstrol at all, and the fact is that a lot of young people might not even know they have cholesterol problems. There’s no need to worry about your cholesterol becoming dangerously high, or your liver being damaged, or your testosterone being shut down. You don’t need to do any PCT with Winsol either, so once you’re done with a cycle, that’s it.

Some credit this to it being a water base compound, although it’s possible with water and oil base versions. It’s important to know that injectable steroids can differ from each other in the form of “the base”. Injectable steroids are available for sale in either oils or water-based solutions. You can also order Ayurvedic, Homeopathic and other Over-The-Counter (OTC) health products.

Below, I detail this stack as well as a couple of other great Winny stacks. Decreased sex drive is an issue for some women on Winny, and some have complained about some pretty severe mood and mental issues developing – again, these are individual responses. Ultimately, your choice between the two will come down to whether you can handle the injection pain and discomfort of Winstrol Depot versus the ease of popping a pill. In some countries Winstrol is still medically prescribed to treat conditions involving swelling beneath the skin. Using or buying Winstrol without a prescription however is illegal in most countries. Countless individuals are taking Winsol consistently and are raving about their results.

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